The year we saw the truth

We saw the wrinkles, we saw the grey. We saw people in lounge wear, each and every day. We saw faces absent of cosmetic masks. We saw struggles when forced to complete basic tasks. We saw production budgets stripped back to just a man and a mic. We saw the truth of what people were…

In quarantine I . . .

Did some work, tripped over the cat. Got a bad back, lay on a mat. Conversed on Zoom in a silly hat. Tried to home school, enough about that. Watched Attenborough in his natural habitat. Had to mute the What’s App parent chat. Bit my tongue to avoid a spat. Made a dent in the…

What’s Lockdown Life to Us?

Written over the weekend with the assistance of my two co-writers Zoe (8) and Roux (5). It’s lots of time at home, seeing more of Mum & Dad, Lazy PJ mornings, extra time on the iPad. It’s a daily walk in the woods, always excited when we spot a rainbow or a friend. It’s asking…

Highlight of the week

Standing in the supermarket queue staring at the floor, Inching patiently and slowly towards the supermarket door. A snaky, wavy trail of shoppers stand respectively apart, All waiting together for the highlight of their week to start. We all ponder this new situation in a flabbergasted daze, Who’d have thought at Christmas a supermarket queue…